Title: The Book of Me: six easy and six not so easy facts about me. Come join DT member Karen Grunberg in creating a memorable and unique album to celebrate yourself.
This album will guide you to make a minibook containing 6 easy and 6 not so easy facts about you. Each page of the minibook will be a list of six things on a particular topic like songs you like or places you've been. There will be six pages of easy and fun facts about you and then six pages of deeper, more meaningful facts. A total of 14 classes will be spread across three weeks to give you plenty of time to catch up.
Each class will contain an example page from Karen's minibook with alternate ideas, photography tips, journaling tips, and lot of other inspiration. You will have access to a private bulletin board where you can ask questions, show off your minibook pages and share the joy of creating a memorable and meaningful album for yourself and your loved ones.
The best thing about this class is that you can use your own stash and your own, unique style to create your book. It will be 100% authentic to you, or you can purchase a limited edition kit at AMM made specifically for the class.
*Class begins May 5th. **Note that you will be refunded for any shipping charges on this item.
I'll have to check it out! I love the look of those tiny butterflies on the cover!
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