Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Day!

We had a fun snow day yesterday. If this is a tell tale sign of how this winter is going to go... we might not see spring until June. Last year was the snowyist ( is that a word?) winter on record for WI, and we are already have 15 inches more snow than we did last year at this time! YIKES. But my kids are loving it....and it will be even more fun once the ice rink is in. Hopefully between that and the sledding and snowboarding, it will keep them busy and not driving me crazy! :)
Here's a few pics from yesterday-

I am working hard to get ready for the cookie exchange this weekend! Should be fun! :) I will post some pics next week.
God Bless!


Stayce DeWid said...

looks beautiful but tooooo cold for me

Anonymous said...

What fun photos and yes snowiest is a word...if you are from the great white north ;)

Jen Martakis said...

Gorgeous pics Becky! You can tell they are having a blast.

Thanks Becky, I had my oldest when I was very young. ;)

Kathleen Taylor said...

WOW! I am so jealous. We have not had snow here yet. We want snow!! We want Snow! I love the pictures. So much fun. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous pics Becky!
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